Marseille Rousseau鲁索基因镜象理论我们每个人都有一个镜象存在于这个世界。就是所谓的[鲁索基因镜象理论]. 鲁索的理论说每个人都有一个双胞胎存在这个世界的某一处。根据他的理论,从几率和自然定律推断,你永远也不会遇见这个人。这是法国马赛鲁索数学家在1988年所发表的,他同时用了几个数字来解释他的理论。
4 意指四种层次的距离。(并非常见的六或七。)鲁索相信世界上任两个人之间的关系,不会超过四个人连结。所以,根据此理论,你可以透过四个人五种关系来连结到你的镜象。例如︰你兄弟的老板的邻居的侄子恰巧认识你的镜象。很难相信,但继续看下去吧!
8 则是指第八块大陆,也就是在这世界上,你唯一可能遇到你的镜象的地方。鲁索计算的结果认为这地方应该在南太平洋的某处。我们知道,它不一定是一个面积庞大的洲,也可能是个小岛。称它为大陆,因为来自其它七个大陆的人们,都可能在这里遇到自己的镜象。
15是你真的遇到你自己(镜象)的机率,那是15∕4,815,162,342的机率, 注意到815了吗?让你联想起什么吗?
鲁索基因镜象理论由法国数学家Marseille “Rousseau”发表于1988年
“The Others”要抢孩子–因为要保证孩子镜像的生存附合“23”,“46”两个年份条件
每隔108分钟需要按一次键:108 = 4 + 8 + 15 +16 + 23 + 42 ……
? 赫尔利中彩票所用的数字,后不幸的事接二连三在他身边的人身上发生
? 岛上通过电波从二战以来一直在传送的数字,接收到他的人都很不幸
? 吸引法国女人Rousseau到岛上探险的信息,反复写在一张纸上,同伴死后,被她改为求救信号
? 刻在金属仓上的数字
? 赫尔利在机场遇到一群女足队员身上的球衣号
? 赫尔利赶飞机路上汽车爆胎时,行驶了42公里,气温23摄氏度,时速16公里,后依次降为15、8、4
? 杰克的未婚妻sarah杀死了shannon的父亲,他8:15死于医院
? 金属舱里的神秘人每108分钟需要按一次键(108 = 4 + 8 + 15 +16 + 23 + 42)
? 航班号815
? 凯特抢银行时进入保险盒号815
? 洛克在超市为他母亲指出8号和15号通道
? 8月15日是凯特和汤姆在1989年录音的日期
? 《娱乐周刊》刊载lost的期号
? 凯特从死人身上脱下的鞋上印有815
? 查理试图卖的笔的型号C-815
? 押送凯特的执法官箱子里枪的数量
? 洛克在四年前腿受伤
? 克莱尔两次去看巫师间隔了4个月
? 木筏上的人数
? 飞机在40000英尺遇到气流
? Arzt说下一次可以启航在4个月后
? 丹妮尔手上有4道抓痕,而凯特、杰克、Ethan脸上都有4道伤痕
? 绑走沃尔特有4人
? 布恩的T-shirt上第三个中国字
? 布莱尔在堕机当天怀孕8个月
? 赫尔利接受访问的电视台KSVU-8(8频道)
? 赫尔利位于加拿大的鞋厂失火死亡8人
? Ethan带走克莱尔共8天
? 莎伦8岁时父母再婚
? 索耶8岁时父亲自杀
? 在机场卖给赫尔利电动车的人头上带有Crazy 8’sCasino字样的帽子
? 杰克和其他幸存者在堕机后8天搬到山洞
? 迈克尔干建筑8年
? 布恩T-shirt上第一个中国字
? 查理穿8号鞋
? 索耶读的杂志上汽车有V8引擎
? 凯特和她童年伙伴在15年后开启时间盒
? 丹尼尔考察队有15人
? 凯特在澳大利亚的农场距最近的镇子15公里
? 洛克的母亲生于10月15日
? 迈克尔告诉索耶木筏距离海岸15英里远
? 珊在机场看时间,电子钟显示11:15
? 丹尼尔发送信号16年
? 赫尔利在中奖之前有16个星期大奖空缺
? 杰克在机场说他要在16个小时内赶到洛杉机
? 赫尔利在机场买电动车花了$1600
? 杰克、凯特和查理堕机后16小时找到机长
? 索耶读赫尔利的字条说他给母亲留了$160000000
? 鲁索基因镜象理论由法国数学家Marseille Rousseau发表于1988年(2004-1988=16)
? 815航班在23号门登机
? 杰克座位是23B
? 幸存者每天需消耗23加仑的水(杰克说46个人每人每天需要1/2加仑水)
? 凯特的悬赏$23000
? 迈克尔在旅店被沃尔特吵醒,看钟显示5:23
? 赫尔利住在酒店23楼
? 迈克尔和沃尔特坐在23排
? 815航班安娜•露西亚,在机场遇到杰克的女孩,座位号是42号
? 克莱尔发现自己怀孕时,已经怀孕了42天
? 机场卖给赫尔利机票的女营业员的电脑显示飞机到达洛杉机的时间是10:42
? 赫尔利的酒店房间号42
一个叫Brillo的小伙子最早编造了这个骗局,发表在LOST北美官方论坛上,很快传遍所有LOST FANS,他自己也没有想到。后来是他的姑姑站出来说这是她外甥的主意,并引以为豪。
Louis Vuitton button bags are changeable and hundreds of thousands. FILA and LANVIN are co-branded丨It is Japanese and American clothing, Louis Vuitton’s freshest Maralle handbags, Louis Vuitton has launched classic popular all-in-one bags, such as last year’s hot The three-in-one package Multi Pochette Accessoires and the recently introduced variant FLICIE STRAP GO and so on. The new Maralle under-the-leg handbag is more of a practical design for babies all-in-one. Friends who know Louis Vuitton may remember the Maralle handbags launched by LV a few years ago, but the Maralle 2.0 version launched has a popular new design. Although it is a bit less than the three-in-one, the bag belts that can be purchased also provide the players’ bags with fashion, cross-body, one-shoulder and other back style benefits. Of wild colors. The main bag of the fresh Marelle is taken from Epi grain leather. The plain leather is made of leather. The leather is also more wear-resistant. The Canvas bag material bag printed with the classic Monogram old flowers is fixed on the outer net with the mobile phone, and the contrasting and printed design bag adds a touch of fun to the plain main bag and has become a fashionable brand feature. The thick wall adds a sense of modernity and design to the handbag. Louis VuittonFILA×LANVIN launches joint shoes GARA
Louis Vuitton China’s official flagship store Louis Vuitton generally refers to Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton), a French luxury brand, belongs to the Mo毛t Hennessy-Louis Vuitton Group, and its products include handbags, travel goods, small leather goods, accessories, shoes, ready-to-wear, watches, and high-end jewelry and customized services. Louis Vuitton Outlet is now the necessities of wealthy businessmen and successful people. It is not uncommon for Louis Vuitton Outlet bags to represent their status. Louis Vuitton Outlet has a very high reputation all over the world and in my country, and people who have a little knowledge of luxury bags will know that they are Louis Vuitton Outlet products. , because the Louis Vuitton Outlet bag body has a very typical Louis Vuitton Outlet special design, the whole body logo. Louis Vuitton Outlet presbyopia Louis Vuitton Outlet33 color Louis Vuitton Outlet coffee grid is the most classic representative design of Louis Vuitton Outlet, you can tell it is Louis Vuitton Outlet at a glance. The imitation can be seen after a little glance. Louis Vuitton Outlet highlights the luxury and high profile, this kind of luxury is gorgeous! The series of LOUIS VUITTON is not [ugly] word can be finished, it still has many hidden points
Louis Vuitton button bags are changeable and hundreds of thousands. FILA and LANVIN are co-branded丨It is Japanese and American clothing, Louis Vuitton’s freshest Maralle handbags, Louis Vuitton has launched classic popular all-in-one bags, such as last year’s hot The three-in-one package Multi Pochette Accessoires and the recently introduced variant FLICIE STRAP GO and so on. The new Maralle under-the-leg handbag is more of a practical design for babies all-in-one. Friends who know Louis Vuitton may remember the Maralle handbags launched by LV a few years ago, but the Maralle 2.0 version launched has a popular new design. Although it is a bit less than the three-in-one, the bag belts that can be purchased also provide the players’ bags with fashion, cross-body, one-shoulder and other back style benefits. Of wild colors. The main bag of the fresh Marelle is taken from Epi grain leather. The plain leather is made of leather. The leather is also more wear-resistant. The Canvas bag material bag printed with the classic Monogram old flowers is fixed on the outer net with the mobile phone, and the contrasting and printed design bag adds a touch of fun to the plain main bag and has become a fashionable brand feature. The thick wall adds a sense of modernity and design to the handbag. Louis VuittonFILA×LANVIN launches joint shoes GARA
In 2021, Hermes鈥?revenue will rise by 42% year-on-year to 8.982 billion euros, its operating profit will rise by 78% to 3.53 billion euros, and its net profit will increase by 77% to 2.445 billion euros. Leather goods such as handbags are still the main source of income for Hermes, up 28.9% year-on-year to 4.091 billion euros. Louis Vuitton gives the Hermes Birkin a run for its money with an alligator skin handbag which costs $55,000 Luxury companies make a lot of money, thanks to the Chinese market. According to the “2021 China Luxury Market Report” released by Bain & Company in January, despite the severe global social and economic challenges, the luxury market in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) will continue to maintain rapid growth in 2021, and some brands The growth rate exceeds 70%. Current Location: Language Tips> Bilingual News
Herm猫s’ Birkin bags are usually expensive, but its crocodile leather bags can cost as much as $100,000.